Phytophagous mites - little known hosts of entomopathogenic fungi


  • Cezary Tkaczuk Katedra Ochrony Roślin Akademii Podlaskiej,Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Polska
  • Ryszard Miętkiewski Katedra Ochrony Roślin Akademii Podlaskiej,Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Polska
  • Stanisław Bałazy Zakład Badań Środowiska Rolniczego i Leśnego PAN,Bukowska 19, 60-809 Poznań, Polska


Summary Little is known about parasitic fungi associated with mites, but interest in them is growing because of their potential as agents for biological control of many pests and diseases vectors among these arthropods. An overview is given of studies on fungal diseases of phytophagous mites. Most of these studies concern on fungal pathogens of eriophyoids and spidermites. The most frequently encountered pathogens of mites belong to the genera Neozygites of the order Entomophthorales and Hirsutella of the hyphomycetous anamorphs. These two fungal genera differ not only taxonomically but they also have different biology and pathogenic abilities. Neozygites floridana is a common species causing epizootics in spider mite populations, while fungi from the genus Hirsutella seem to be more specific to eriophyoid mites. They are of special interest because most of their strains can be grown on artificial media and multiplicated by this means for application against pest mites. Fungus H. thompsonii commercial mycoacaricide Mycar was produced for the control of eriophyoid mites on citrus. gThe state of the knowledge about the mycoses of mites should be estimated as initial and further research is required to clarify the taxonomic anamorph - teleomorph alliances of fungal pathogens of mites especially fromthe genus Hirsutella, and to study their ecology in order to develop their efficient biotechnologiecal utilization for pest control.


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