Visualizations in the world of light microscopy


  • Artur Wolny Pracownia Mikroskopii Konfokalnej Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN Pasteura 3, 02-093 Warszawa, Polska


Visualization and reconstruction in light microscopy allow us to better analyze and observe our specimens. Prior to the visualization microscope scanning parameters should be selected to reproduce as closely as possible the structure of objects. This article presents and discusses the fundamental issues with which you meet in image acquisition, ie: resolution, pixel and voxel size, scan speed, zoom, scan size. The author outlines possible image filtering and deconvolution. At the end, the three methods were discussed for three-dimensional representation: projections, volume rendering, surface rendering and the possibility of additional interference with the final appearance of objects using the software for 3D modeling and animation.


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