Różnice w stopniu infekcji ziarna kukurydzy przez grzyby Fusarium spp. a skażenia przez mikotoksyny w uprawie mieszańców kukurydzy modyfikowanych genetycznie i ich form wyjściowych w warunkch polskich


  • Agata Tekiela Instytut Ochrony Roślin, Terenowa Stacja Doświadczalna, Langiewicza 28, 35-101 Rzeszów, Polska


The differences in Fusarium spp. infection level and mycotoxins content in grain of four conventional and four genetically modified maize hybrids were compared in 2005-2006 years in Poland. The cobs were evaluated before harvesting of maize crop for the Fusarium occurrence on grains according to the 1-5 scale. The species of fungi collected from the infected cobs were identified on the basis of conidial morphology in the laboratory of the Rzeszów Regional Experimental Station, Institute of Plant Protection. The analysis of fumonisins and DON were measured by scientists of Institute of Biology and Environmental Protection at the Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz. The mycological analysis confirmed reports from other counties that the percentage of kernels infected by Fusarium spp. and mycotoxins content in grains was significantly higher in conventional than in transgenic maize hybrids in all experiments.


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