Osobliwości anatomiczne kota domowego (felis silvestris f. catus) - na wybranych przykładach


  • Małgorzata Dzierzęcka Wydział Medycyny Weterynaryjnej SGGW, Katedra Nauk Morfologicznych, Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa, Polska
  • Karolina Barszcz Wydział Medycyny Weterynaryjnej SGGW, Katedra Nauk Morfologicznych, Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa, Polska


Cats (Felis catus) have accompanied humans for thousands of years. Together with dogs they have become the most popular species included in the group of so-called accompanying animals. The intention of deliberate breeding of many animal species based on scientific foundations was to create new breeds and improve the existing ones. However, the activities related to cat breeding were not so intense as in the case of dogs. Cats are therefore considered to be more stabilized morphologically and more closely related to their wild ancestors than other domesticated species. The aim of this paper was to present some details of the anatomy of cats which are characteristic of this species, with special reference to those characteristics which significantly differentiate cats from dogs. In the paper the focus was on the anatomy of the skeleton which in cats can be considered an evident adaptation, in the evolution process, to the lifestyle they led. The set of teeth and other elements of the circulatory and digestive systems were described pointing to the presence of papillae filiformes on the tongue which was one of the causes of pilobezoar formation in the stomach. The general anatomy of the respiratory system was discussed with special attention paid to the anatomy of sinus paranasales. The cat's heart was described demonstrating that it is most horizontally and caudaly situated in comparison with other domesticated animal species. Attention was attached to the characteristic anatomy and arrangement of the male reproductive system of this species. The paper provided an explanation of how the eyeball in cats is adapted, due to its specific anatomy, to receive light stimuli in the dark. Also the glands and other products of the skin, like: hair were discussed. Much attention was also put on the anatomy of cat's claws, they are very effective on account of the presence of elastic ligaments which permit cats to extend the claws and retract them in the skin pouch.


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