Biotechnologia a bioterroryzm - jak nie zepsuć dobroczynnych owoców badań nad organizmami zmodyfikowanymi


  • Janusz Kocik Wojskowy Instytut Higieny i Epidemiologii, im. gen. Karola Kaczkowskiego, Kozielska 4, 01-163 Warszawa, Polska


Recent years have witness massive growth of basic research and diffusion of modern biotechnology, much more efficient that traditional methods, in production of large quantities of high quality specific proteins. Given examples of new advanced molecular biology and genetical engineering show unprecedented opportunities in medicine and human health care. At the same time manipulation of pathogenic microorganisms may bring some potential risks posed by these living modified organisms. The benefits of the more precise methods are becoming clear, but the precautionary approach demands that uncertainties and conjectural risks be addressed by corresponding research and legislation. The existing regulations on biosafety in some European countries require strengthening of protocols setting out appropriate procedures, including in particular informed agreement, in the field of safe transfer, handling and use of living modified pathogenic organisms.


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